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October 18, 2021

EP27: Here’s your Sign

EP27: Here's your Sign

Welcome to your weekly dose of inspiration.

Jonathan Evans is son of Tony Evans and the Dallas Cowboy’s chaplain. I read in his book “Your Time is Now” how one of the team’s players, Jerry Brown Jr. died. At the next game, and before kick off the announcer comes over the loud speaker and says: Let’s give Jerry Brown Jr, a moment of silence, afterward the team kicks the ball and the game begins. As the game proceeds Jonathon turns to one of the players and remarks,

“Is this what we’re living for. Is this what you’re playing for? You give the world years of your effort, skills, and talent and all you get in return is a moment. Then the game just continues.  That’s all this world has to offer you. Hall of Famer or not the most people are going to give you on this Earth is a moment if you even get that. Why? Because man can’t offer anything else. We spend all this time chasing, grinding, working, struggling, and striving for worldly greatness and yet when all is said and done, we get a moment of silence.”


Here’s Your Sign

That is why I am so passionate about my message, Legendary Faith because I want to inspire people to work on building a legacy of faith now that last forever. This means using the gifts God gave you that you are passionate about, to make a positive impact on others that encourages them to live for Christ and not fall victim to the world.

If you ever needed a sign, here’s your sign to question yourself. Who or what are you living for day in and day out?

Are you hustling and bustling for your moment of fame, or to achieve great social status all for a moment???

Today, may I suggest for you to think about how you’re going to feel at the end of your life, when your moment in time is over. What will you leave behind?? A house, a car, or a legacy of faith. I know when my mom died, she gave me the greatest gift and it wasn’t anything material. It was a legacy of faith.

Will you leave this earth knowing that, perhaps, you will have “made disciples of Christ” just as Jesus said to do?

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” – Matthew 28:19-20

Will you leave this world knowing that this isn’t the end for you? You may take your last breath but you’re moving on to something better.

You can build a life worth living now. The Bible says the joy of the Lord is your strength. Not money, status, or things. God brings us joy. Don’t just live for everyone else, who will only give you a few minutes of silence when our dead.

We can own joy here in this life now by doing the passions that God placed in our hearts for fulfillment. We can live for God who will give not a moment of silence but as already offered us an eternity since he created us. We must accept the offer and then live for Him and not the world! If you haven’t already done so confess your sins, believe him, and accept Jesus Christ into your heart today because He created You and He loves you.

Perhaps, if you’re living unfulfilled in and in misery, what are you doing today for the Kingdom. Maybe that means simply living a life that brings glory to God and sharing about that with those around you.

There’s nothing like the fulfillment that comes from living for the Kingdom of God. For building a legacy of faith now that will live on forever

What moment are you living for? Here’s your sign to ask and seek God for help to begin living for Christ today.

“Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us.” – Ephesians 3:20

Thank you so much for joining me today. I hope that you were inspired, and I will see you soon on the next episode, Legendary Health.

If you enjoyed this podcast and would like to hear more simply hit subscribe and remember, God made you with a passion and purpose to build God’s Kingdom.

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